Atlas s one of the classical type of fabrics for evening dresses. Atlas with elastin gives additional fallnes for skirts and drapiries.
Crepsatin fabrics have mat and shine side. This kined of fabrics use in both sides. It gives possibility to attend very interesting effect.
Tafta used as evening dresses. It is fine, sheer, lightweight and crisp.
Batist - Used as eveningwear, blouses and scarves. It is lightweight, sheer, transparent and very fine.
Zhorzhet is the fabric with relief surface. This type of fabric is very thin practically transparent. It beautifully falls. Therefore it used for the sewing of skirts and blouses.
Jacquard is the fabrics with the smooth, not napped surface. Yarn for jacquard fabric can be coloured in different colors. Jacquard fabrics use for jackets, skirts, etc sewing.
Gabardine - Used as men's and women's tailored suits, coats, raincoats, uniforms, and men's shirts. It has a clear finish. It is durable and wears extremely well.
Bukle fabrics are very soft and characterized by looped surface. The quantity and the value of the knots can be different. Such fabrics use for sewing of suits, skirts, jackets and coats. Depending on thickness
Jersey plain weft-knitted fabric of wool, cotton, nylon or silk. Used for dresses, suits and coats.